
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Bada Imambara Lucknow : Bhulbhulayah

The Bada Imambara also called Asafi Imambara is a beautiful historical place located in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. Bada (in Hindi) means big and Imambara means a shrine built by Shia Muslims for the purpose of Azadari associated with the remembrance of Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S.)ibn-e Ali (A.S), who had been martyred with his companions on 10th Muharram 61 AH (10th October 680) in Karbala. Generally Imambara contains Zarih, Alam and Tazia and a passage for Majalises

The Bada Imambara Lucknow, Asafi Imambara,  Imambargah,  Bhulbhulayah,
Bada Imambara, Lucknow
This beautiful splendid building was built by the 4th  Nawab of Awadh- Nawab Asaf-ud-Daula and the construction work was taken up in the year 1784. Construction of the Imambara was completed in 1791. It was designed by the Architect Hafiz Kifayatullah, a prominent Architect of that time through a competative process.

The excellent architecture of the complex represents Lucknavi Art and Culture. It is one of the last major projects not incorporating any European elements or the use of iron. The main Imambara consists of a large central hall containing the tomb of Asaf-ud-Daula. At 50 by 16 meters and over a height of 15 meters, it has no beams supporting the ceiling and is one of the largest such arched constructions in the world..The amazing hollow walls of the central hall  not only keeps it cool during summer  but also help to lighten the load of the structure.

Bada Imambara, Imambargah, Bhulbhulayah
Opposite view of Bada Imambara
Bhulbhulayah : The amazing upper part of the Imambara is known as Bhulbhulayah. There are eight surrounding chambers built to different roof heights, permitting the space above these to be reconstructed as a three-dimensional labyrinth with passages interconnecting with each other through 489 identical doorways. Known as a popular attraction, it is possibly the only existing maze in India and came about unintenionally to support the weight of the building which is constructed on marshy land. Asaf-ud-Daula also erected the 18 meter (59 foot) high Rumi Darwaza, just outside. This portal, embellished with lavish decorations, was the Imambara's west facing entrance.