
Monday, July 9, 2012

White Lotus Flower "Kamal ka Phool"

Lotus Flower " Kamal ka Phool"

Description : Lotus is a water plant. It is known as Kamal, Pankaj, Suriya, Ambuja, Kanwal by its different names in Hindi. It grows in the muddy water and still its body remains unaffected and does not get wet or mild. This flower gives a very significant message to the people seeking the path of spiritualism, that denotes, 'live your life like lotus flower, and do not indulge yourself in muddy water of worldly pleasures and comforts'.

Features : It looks pretty and nice by shape and colors such as White Lotus (Safed Kamal), Blue Lotus (Neel Kamal), Pink Lotus (Gulabi Kamal) and some times Yellow too.Commonly found all over India and mark as National Flower of India. It is mentioned with Goddess (Devi) 'Maa Sarswathi' in Indian Mythology. It is believed as flower of divine and spirituality. Its Seed, Stem, Leaf and Petals are used in ayurvedic medicines. It is also used in different kinds food-dishes.

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