True green roses are extremely rare among naturally-colored roses. It may be difficult for someone to believe, but it can not be denied so far. In fact, until 1700, all the species were pink, white, or some other interesting combinations. After decades when red rose came into existence in Europe, rose-fans got their first glimpse of green roses (Rosa chinensis 'viridiflora'), cultivated in 1740s and those were so weird that most didn't recognize them for what they were. They blooms like rose with green leaves but petals are also like leaves.
The first true green roses were miniature roses that can be produced after 1960. By the by breeders had managed to produce green roses of the normal "floribunda" size. They appeared in different shades, like soft-green, light green, miniature-green, mint green etc. Like blue roses, natural green roses also look unique and pleasant. The buds start with peach color and turn to apple green over a period of a some days with the development of chloroplast uniformly on all the petals. Color and Petals stabilities depend on climatological conditions of the place.
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Floribunda Green Rose Image Technically colored on computer to show like Natural green roses |